Keyboard Shortcut to Add Adjacent Cells to Selection In Excel

Excel is a powerful tool for data management and analysis. One of the essential features of Excel is the ability to select cells and ranges quickly. However, selecting cells one-by-one can be tedious and time-consuming. Fortunately, there is a useful keyboard shortcut to add adjacent cells to your selection in Excel.

Keyboard Shortcut to Add Adjacent Cells to Selection In Excel

The keyboard shortcuts to add adjacent cells to your selection is Shift + Click for Windows and ⇧ + Click for Mac.

Here’s how to use it:

  1. Click on the first cell you want to select.
  2. Hold down the Shift key (Windows) or the Shift and ⌘ keys (Mac).
  3. Click on the last cell you want to select.
  4. All the cells in between the first and last cells will be selected.

Points to Remember

  • You can use the Shift + Arrow keys (up, down, left, right) to add cells to your selection in the direction of the arrow.
  • The Shift + Click keyboard shortcut works for both columns and rows.
  • You can also use this keyboard shortcut to select non-adjacent cells. Simply hold down the Ctrl key (Windows) or the ⌘ key (Mac) while clicking on the cells you want to select.
  • This shortcut is handy for selecting large ranges of data quickly, saving time and effort.
  • You can also use this shortcut to add or remove cells from your selection. Just hold down the Shift key and click on any cells you want to add or remove from your selection.

In conclusion, the Shift + Click keyboard shortcut is an essential tool for anyone who works with Excel on a regular basis. It can save you time and effort by allowing you to quickly select large ranges of data. By mastering this keyboard shortcut, you can work more efficiently and get more done in less time.

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