Keyboard Shortcut to Add Non-Adjacent Cells to Selection In Excel

Excel is a powerful tool used by millions of people around the world to organize and analyze data. One of the most commonly used features of Excel is selecting cells, but what if you need to select non-adjacent cells? This is where the “Add non-adjacent cells to selection” shortcut comes in handy. In this blog post, we will show you how to use this shortcut in Excel.

Keyboard Shortcut to Add Non-Adjacent Cells to Selection In Excel

  1. To add non-adjacent cells to your selection in Excel, follow these simple steps:
  2. Hold down the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard (Windows) or the “⌘” key (Mac).
  3. Click on each cell you want to add to your selection.
  4. Release the “Ctrl” or “⌘” key once you have selected all the cells you want to add.

That’s it! Your non-adjacent cells are now selected.

Points to Remember About the Keyboard Shortcut to Add Non-Adjacent Cells to Selection In Excel

  • The “Ctrl Click” shortcut works for Windows and “⌘Click” for Mac.
  • You can select non-adjacent cells in the same or different worksheets.
  • You can also use this shortcut to select non-adjacent columns or rows.
  • This Excel shortcut is particularly useful when you need to perform the same action on multiple cells at once.

In conclusion, the “Add non-adjacent cells to selection” shortcut is a useful tool that can save you time and effort when working with data in Excel. With just a few clicks of your keyboard, you can easily select multiple cells without having to click and drag each one individually.

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