
Welcome! If you’re new to Excel, you’ve come to the right place.

Excel is made easy with our tutorial! 

Check out the chapters below, and for more in-depth knowledge, explore related examples and features below each section.

Let’s master Excel together!


What is a Range in Excel?

Excel ranges are made up of two or more cells, and this chapter covers some key operations you need to know.

AutoFill | Fibonacci Sequence | Custom Lists | Hide Columns or Rows | Skip Blanks | AutoFit | Transpose | Split Cells | Flash Fill | Move Columns | ROW function

Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions in Excel, Difference Between Functions and Formulas

Excel formulas and functions made easy!

This section focuses on the most commonly used functions and is perfect for beginners and experienced users looking to up their game. Master Excel’s essential tools and become an expert in no time.

Most Used Functions | Subtract | Multiply | Divide | Square Root | Percentage | Named Range | Dynamic Named Range | Paste Options | Discount

For more Excel Functions see our dedicated page for an ever-growing list of Functions with full explanations.


Master Excel’s fundamentals and become a pro! This section covers all the essentials, making it the perfect resource for beginners and experienced users alike. Get started now and level up your Excel skills.

Ribbon | Workbook | Worksheets | Format Cells | Find & Select | Templates | Data Validation | Keyboard Shortcuts | Print | Share | Protect


Unlock Excel’s full potential with our comprehensive functions section! Learn to perform calculations, manipulate data, and analyze information with ease. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, this section will take your Excel skills to new heights.

Count and Sum | Logical | Cell References | Date & Time | Text | Lookup & Reference | Financial | Statistical | Round | Formula Errors | Array Formulas

Check out our dedicated page for an ever-expanding list of Excel functions, complete with full explanations.

Data Analysis

Master data analysis in Excel with our comprehensive section! Learn to manipulate, visualize, and analyze data like a pro. Whether you’re a novice or an expert, this section has everything you need to unlock powerful insights and make informed decisions with confidence.

Sort | Filter | Conditional Formatting | Charts | Pivot Tables | Tables | What-If Analysis | Solver | Analysis ToolPak

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