Keyboard Shortcut to Enter and Move Up In Excel

Excel is a powerful tool used for data analysis and management. One of the most commonly used functions in Excel is the ability to enter data quickly and efficiently. The Enter and move up keyboard shortcut is a simple yet powerful feature that allows users to quickly move to the cell above the current cell while entering data.

Keyboard Shortcut to Enter and Move Up In Excel

The Keyboard Shortcut to Enter and Move Up In Excel is Shift + Enter (Windows) or ⇧ + Return (Mac).

Here’s how to use the Enter and move up shortcut in Excel:

  1. Select the cell where you want to enter data.
  2. Type in the data you want to enter.
  3. Instead of pressing the Enter key, press the Shift and Enter keys at the same time on Windows or the ⇧ and Return keys at the same time on Mac.
  4. The cursor will move up to the cell above, and you can continue entering data from there.

Points to Remember:

  • The Enter and move up keyboard shortcut is a quick and easy way to enter data in Excel while minimizing the need to move your hands away from the keyboard.
  • This shortcut is particularly useful when entering data in large spreadsheets, where navigating using the mouse can be slow and cumbersome.
  • It’s important to note that the Enter and move up shortcut works differently from the regular Enter key. While the regular Enter key moves the cursor down to the next cell, the Shift+Enter or ⇧ + Return shortcut moves the cursor up to the previous cell.
  • If you need to move the cursor up to a specific number of cells, you can use the Ctrl + arrow keys shortcut (Windows) or ⌃ and arrow keys (Mac) to move the cursor quickly up or down.

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