How to Add Numbers in Excel | Beginner’s Guide

In this tutorial I will show you a simple way How to Add Numbers in Excel.

Let’s get started!

It’s important to know that there are multiple ways to do adding in Excel, but here we will focus on a basic and easy method.

How to Add Numbers in Excel Video

How to Add Numbers in Excel

We will use this table as an example to demonstrate how it’s done.

Here, we have numbers written in columns A and B.

Thanks to an easy formula, we will add them and the result will appear in column C.

How to Add Numbers in Excel sample

First, click on the cell in which the result should be displayed.

Let’s select cell C2 for our first calculation.

Next, find the ‘equal‘ key and press it – this is a signal to Excel that you want to enter a formula in the cell.

Then click on the cell that contains the first number to be added – in this case, it’s cell A2.

Once you have selected the cell, you will see that another part of the formula appeared after the ‘equal‘ sign – it’s the cell reference, A2.

Now, add the symbol for the mathematical operation you want to carry out – in this case, a plus sign (+).

Then click on the cell that contains the second number to add – in this case, it’s cell B2.

You have just told Excel to add the number in cell B2 to the number in cell A2. Hit ‘Enter‘ and you’re done!

How to Add Numbers in Excel

The result is available at once.

You can use similar steps to subtract, multiply, or even divide in Excel.

But there’s more!

Using the Fill Handle to Copy Sum Formula

Here’s a handy little ‘trick’ for you – if you need to add the numbers in rows 3 and 4, click on the cell containing the formula we just created, which is cell C2.

Hover over the bottom right corner of the cell until you see a cross symbol, then use left-click to drag the formula down through the rest of the rows.

Using the Fill Handle to Copy Sum Formula

And there you have it! You’ve managed to add the numbers in all three rows!

If you want to know Subtract, Multiply, or Divide read our other tutorial.

If you found this tutorial helpful, and if you want to learn Excel our complete guide section is the place to go that will help you use Excel like a boss!

Want to learn how functions work in excel then check out my excel functions page where you will learn many of the functions. Or looking for formulas? Well, we have you covered there too with our Excel Formulas page.

3 thoughts on “How to Add Numbers in Excel | Beginner’s Guide”

  1. Pingback: How to Subtract Numbers in Excel | Beginner's Guide

  2. Pingback: How to Multiply Numbers in Excel | Beginner's Guide

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