How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel (Step-by-Step Guide)

In this blog post, we will be discussing How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel. Hyperlinks can be useful in Excel, but they can also be a nuisance when they clutter up your data table. We’ll break down the process into easy-to-follow steps and explain the methods in detail. By the end of this post, you’ll be able to remove hyperlinks from your Excel sheet with ease.

Method 1: Removing individual hyperlinks

If you want to remove an individual hyperlink

  1. Select the cell containing the hyperlink.
  2. Right-click.
  3. Choose the option ‘Remove hyperlink’.
  4. Excel will remove it immediately.

If you want to edit the hyperlink, select the cell with the hyperlink again, and right-click. This time choose the option ‘Edit hyperlink’. In the pop-up window, you can edit the displayed text.

Method 2: Removing all hyperlinks across the spreadsheet

To remove all hyperlinks across the spreadsheet.

  1. Click on the upper left corner.
    • which will highlight the whole sheet as selected.
  2. Then right-click.
  3. Select ‘Remove hyperlinks’.
    • Excel will do the job.

Method 3: Disabling automatic hyperlinking

By default, Excel automatically inserts hyperlinks when you enter a web link or email address into a cell. But this automatic hyperlinking can be disabled. To do this:

  1. Go to ‘File’ in the top left corner of the screen.
  2. Click on ‘Options’.
  3. Find and select ‘Proofing’.
  4. Click on ‘AutoCorrect Options’.
  5. Go to the tab ‘AutoFormat As You Type’.
  6. Find the tick box ‘Internet and network paths with hyperlinks’, and unselect it.

YouTube video: How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

If you prefer video tutorials, check out our YouTube video on How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel. It covers the same methods we discussed in this blog post.

Other things to consider

When removing hyperlinks from your Excel sheet, keep in mind that the original URLs or email addresses may be lost. If you need to keep this information, consider copying and pasting it into another cell or document before removing the hyperlink.

Next logical step in Excel

Now that you know How to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel, the next logical step is to continue learning more about Excel. Many advanced Excel features can help you become more efficient and productive. For more Excel tips and tricks, check out Sheet Leveller’s website. You can learn Excel from scratch or enhance your existing Excel skills with their online courses.

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