Keyboard Shortcut to Insert or Edit Note In Excel

Adding notes to an Excel spreadsheet is a useful way to annotate and remind yourself of important details about a cell. But constantly using the mouse to navigate to the insert Note option can be time-consuming. In this blog post, we’ll show you a handy keyboard shortcut that makes inserting or editing notes a breeze.

Keyboard Shortcut to Insert or Edit Note In Excel

The keyboard shortcut to insert or edit a note in Excel is Shift + F2 for Windows and Fn + Shift + F2 for Mac.

Keyboard Shortcut to Insert or Edit Note In Excel

How to Use the Shortcut

  1. To use this shortcut, follow the steps below:
  2. Select the cell where you want to add a note.
  3. Press the Shift+F2 (Windows) or Fn+Shift+F2 (Mac) keyboard shortcut.
  4. This will open up the note window, where you can enter your text.
  5. Once you’ve finished typing your note, simply click outside of the window to close it.

Points to Remember:

  • The shortcut can also be used to edit an existing note. Simply select the cell with the note, and use the Shift+F2 (Windows) or Fn+Shift+F2 (Mac) keyboard shortcut to open the note window.
  • You can also change the default size of the note window by going to File > Options > Advanced (Windows) or Excel > Preferences > View (Mac) and adjusting the “Comments and Indicators” section.
  • By using this simple keyboard shortcut, you can save time and improve your workflow when working with notes in Excel.

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