Excel keyboard shortcuts are essential for improving productivity and efficiency while working with large amounts of data. One useful keyboard shortcut to know is how to open the Insert Function Dialog Box quickly. The Keyboard Shortcut to Open the Insert Function Dialog Box In Excel saves time and makes it easy to search for a specific function without having to navigate through multiple menus.
Keyboard Shortcut to Open the Insert Function Dialog Box In Excel
To open the Insert Function Dialog Box in Excel, the keyboard shortcut for Windows users is Shift + F3. For Mac users, the shortcut is Fn + ⇧ + F3.

Follow these simple steps to use the shortcut:
- Select the cell where you want to insert the function.
- Press Shift + F3 or Fn + ⇧ + F3 depending on your operating system.
- The Insert Function Dialog Box will appear, allowing you to search for and select the function you need.
Points to Remember:
- The keyboard shortcut for Windows users is ShiftF3, while for Mac users, it is Fn + ⇧ + F3.
- This shortcut saves time and makes it easy to search for and select a specific function.
- Remember to select the cell where you want to insert the function before using the keyboard shortcut.