Keyboard Shortcut to Force Calculate All Worksheets In Excel

As an Excel user, you may have experienced situations where your worksheet calculations are not updating or showing incorrect results. This can be frustrating, especially when you have a lot of data and formulas to deal with. Fortunately, Excel provides a solution for this problem the Keyboard Shortcut to Force Calculate All Worksheets In Excel. In this blog post, we will discuss the keyboard shortcut to quickly force calculate all worksheets in Excel.

Why is this keyboard shortcut helpful?

The Force Calculate All Worksheets keyboard shortcut is useful in situations where you have made changes to multiple worksheets in your Excel workbook, and you want to make sure that all the calculations are up-to-date. Instead of manually navigating to each worksheet and pressing F9 or Shift+F9, you can use this keyboard shortcut to recalculate all worksheets in one go.

Keyboard Shortcut to Force Calculate All Worksheets In Excel

The keyboard shortcut to Force Calculate All Worksheets is Ctrl + Alt + F9 for Windows and ⌘ + ⌥ + F9 for Mac.

Keyboard Shortcut to Force Calculate All Worksheets In Excel

Here are the steps to use this shortcut:

  1. Open the Excel workbook you want to force calculate.
  2. Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + F9 for Windows or ⌘ + ⌥ + F9 for Mac.
  3. Excel will recalculate all formulas in all worksheets of the workbook.

Points to Remember:

  • Be aware that this shortcut will force Excel to recalculate all worksheets, which can be time-consuming if you have a lot of data or complex formulas in your workbook.
  • If you only want to recalculate a specific worksheet, you can use the Calculate Sheet keyboard shortcut instead, which is Shift + F9 for Windows and ⌘ + ⇧ + F9 for Mac.
  • To recalculate formulas automatically every time you make a change, you can turn on the Automatic Calculation setting in Excel. Go to File > Options > Formulas (or Excel > Preferences > Calculation for Mac), and select “Automatic” under the Calculation options.

In conclusion, the Force Calculate All Worksheets keyboard shortcut is a handy tool that can save you time and effort. In recalculating all worksheets in your Excel workbook. By using this keyboard shortcut, you can quickly ensure that your data and formulas are up-to-date without having to manually recalculate each worksheet.

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